Thursday, January 22, 2009

This week at Felicity...

There is abso-pickin-lutely NOTHING happening.
Hoping for a better and more productive week next week!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Thank you for your support, now don't leave me!

Dear Felicitites,

I am back to work today, trying to determine what needs are to be done in the house so we can open this Spring.  I must say... I am overwhelmed!
BUT... I am energized by the support I have received from many of you.  We will get this done and in 6 months we will be sipping tea out on Templeton Gap discussing a trip to Paris.
How does that sound???
Well now you can tell me.  We have moved the Blog to a new site so we can be more interactive with each other.  It is also much easier for me to blog on the fly!  For those of you on facebook we do have a page there that can be seen if you are in the Colorado Springs Network.  
For now, take the poll, comment on the blog and I will get to work on the Felicity to do list!
